Three turtles decide to have a picnic in Central Park. They load up their basket with pickles, cookies, sandwiches, those fancy Laura Ashley napkins, etc., etc. They discover that they have forgotten the mustard. So they start arguing over who will have to go back to get the mustard. The big turtle and the medium turtle eventually persuade the little turtle that he has to be the one to back and get the mustard. OK, the little turtle says, I'll go, but only on condition that you don't eat the sandwiches before I get back. Fine, fine, the big turtles promise.
An hour goes by, two hours, three hours and finally the sun sets. A day goes by, two days, three days, a week, a month, a year, two years, ten years (drag this out as long as you dare.) A million years go by. Galaxies are born, explode and die, the Pleistecene Era comes and goes. A very long time comes and goes.
Finally the big turtle says to the medium turtle, "Well, he's been gone a long time, do you think we should eat the sandwiches?" And with that, the little turtle jumps out from behind a rock, and says: "Aha! Then I'm not going!"
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