A man walks into a bar and sits across from the bartender. The bartender sees that the man is poking at his hand and putting it next to his ear. He asks, "What are you doing?"
The man replies, "Oh, it's the latest technology. I have a phone built right into my hand." The man puts his hand next to the bartender's ear and the later does hear a dial tone.
After a few drinks, the man goes to the bathroom. The bartender notices that he has been gone for almost a half-hour. Concerned, he goes into the bathroom to check it out. As he walks in, he sees the man is standing with his legs apart and pants down, with hands on the wall. He has the end of the toilet roll shoved up his ass.
Shocked, the bartender yells, "What are you doing?"
The man groans and replies, "I'm waiting for a fax."
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