After about 15 years of cold war between the Russians and the Chinese, Breznev finally decided to break the ice and offered to visit China then under Mao Tse Tung. After a red carpet reception they finally sat down to discuss business across the table (so to say). Here's how the conversation went.
Breznev: Well as an offer of friendship I'll offer you some commodities you may need.
Mao: Thank you Mr. Brenev, we will accept your offer.
Breznev: What do you request then?
Mao: To begin with we would like a billion $ in hard currency.
Breznev: (after quickly consulting with his advisors) so be it
Mao: A million ton of steel
Breznev: O.k.
Mao: A million ton of potatoes.
Breznev: (a little surprised) o.k.
Mao: Two million tons of rice
Breznev: (After consulting his advisors) No, I'm quite sorry that is not possible!
Mao: (rather surprised by the emphatic No) Why not?
Breznev: (In a condescending tone) They don't grow rice in *POLAND* Mr. Mao
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