Hubert called the obituary section of a local newspaper. He inquired, "Tell me, how much would it cost to have an obitualry printed?"
The ad clerk politely told him, "It would be $5 a word, sir!"
"That's fine," said Hubert, after a moment of adding.
"Then write, 'Bubba died.'" he dictated to the clerk.
"Oh, that's all?" asked the clerk, anticipating a big write-up.
"Yes, that's it. And charge the $10 to my credit card, please."
"Hold it Sir, I am sorry, but I should have informed you that the ad must be a minimum of five words."
Hubert got annoyed at the failure of his calculations. He blasted the clerk, "Yes, you should have told me that right away!!"
After a moment of updating his cost versus benefit, he loudlly dictated again, "OK, write, "Bubba dead, truck for sale."
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