Funny Jokes

Funny Jokes

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One afternoon Mama called, she'd left the aviary door open and her canaries had escaped, including many of the new hatchlings. I rushed over. "They're only babies," Mama cried. "They're sure to get lost or hurt!" Then I noticed Christian, our cat, lurking nearby. Uh-oh. Christian fixed his gaze on a tiny bird perched on a low branch. He sprang through the air and snatched the baby canary in his jaws. I covered my eyes. I couldn't watch. "My oh my!" Mama said. Strangely enough, I heard relief in her voice. I peeked through my fingers. Mama was just putting the captured bird back in its cage as the cat caught another one! He padded over to Mama and ever so gently placed the frightened ball of feathers in her hands. Then he rescued another. When he had seen all the escaped canaries safely home, Christian lay back down in the shade. He smiled, not like the cat who ate the canaries, but the angel who saved them.

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