A very happy couple, on the eve of their wedding day, is killed by two stray bullets in a robbery gone bad. At the pearly gates they approach St. Peter and ask, "Please, sir, we were just about to be married, is there any way we can have the ceremony up here?"
"Well," St. Peter replies, "It's never been done but I'll check into it."
Two hundred years pass and St. Peter calls up the couple and says, "Okay, you can get married now." A couple of months pass and the happy couple isn't so happy anymore.
"Please, St. Peter," the man complains, "my wife is driving me insane. If we weren't dead already I'd have to kill her." "Okay, okay," St. Peter replies, "I'll see what I can do." A thousand years pass and St. Peter tracks down the bitterly feuding couple again to share the good news. "That's great sir," the man exclaims, "but why did it take so long to get married and even longer to divorce?"
"Well," St. Peter replies, "it usually takes a long time for a priest to grow old and die. How often do you think a lawyer gets up here?"
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