A burnt out advertising executive decides he has had enough of the rat race & buys a property way out west. No electricity, no phones - no company. He has read everything he can & after a few weeks is getting a bit bored. One afternoon he seens the dust coming up way in the distance coming towards him and a while later a crusty old bushie gets out of a battered Holden Ute and puts out his hand.
"Hello mate, I'm your closest neighbor, live about 20 miles up the road, thought we'd chuck ya a bash to welcome you to the area"
"Sounds great" says the ad man.
"I hear you city boys like your drugs and drink so we'll get that in for ya."
"Sounds awesome" says the ad man
"we tend to get a bit punchie and horny 'round here after all those drugs & drink though, can ya handle yerself if a blue kicks off or a bit of sex is in the cards?"
"I go alright" say the ad man
"this all sounds great, what time should I come and what should I wear?"
"Doesn't really mattter" says the bushie "it is only going to be you and me".......
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