Funny Jokes

Funny Jokes

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Four delegates from China, Russia, the United States and Malaysia attended the United Nations' Meeting. All the nations were discussing about space exploration by the year 2000. Here are some of the conversations:
China Delegate: "By the year 2000, China will start their moon exploration project."
Russian Delegate: "We too, we are going to explore the moon. This time we will see to it that our cosmonauts will step on the moon."
Bill Clinton: "We, the United States, will also explore the moon for second time."
Malaysian Delegate: "By the year 2000, Malaysia will explore the sun."
There was a long silence, Bill Clinton stood up and asked the Malaysia Delegate: "Isn't it too hot to explore the sun?"
Malaysian Delegate (smiling): '"I had this thought out already. We will do it in the evening."

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