Funny Jokes

Funny Jokes

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Top 13 Ways To Get Better Luck!
13. Glue back together the shards of a broken mirror that you didn't break, yourself.
12. Always make sure you're near the International Date Line whenever Friday the 13th rolls around, so you can skip over it with just the simple stroke of a paddle.
11. Throw pennies at blind people.
9. If a black cat crosses your path, cave its skull in with a horseshoe.
8. Make sure you eat at least two rabbit's feet every day.
7. Lick the balls of an Irish wino.
6. Drink green tea made with water boiled over a fire of burning bibles.
5. Rub Michael Moore's belly... then punch him in the face!
4. Pick four regular clovers and make three four-leaf clovers out of them.
3. Drown a gypsy.
2. Make a ladder walk under YOU.
1. Steal and drink the blood of lucky people.

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