This cowboy is taking a herd of horses to market. After dropping them off he is very hungry and decided to stop and eat. The town is very small and there is only one diner. He walks in and finds only one seat is left. It is next to a nice looking, obviously wealthy young lady. The cowboy sits down in the seat next to her.
The waiter comes by and asks the woman if she was ready to order.
She replied: "Yes, I would like the breast of fowl. Virgin fowl. Make sure the bird is a virgin. In fact why don't you catch the bird yourself for me. I would like new potatoes, and garnish my plate with parsley. And I would like a cup of coffee, not to hot or not to cold, and if there is any foam on the coffee please scoop it off for me. And while you're at it, please open a window! I smell horse, there must be a cowboy in here.
Well, the cowboy was sitting right next to her, and he was very offended at that comment.
Shortly the waiter came back with the woman's coffee and asked the cowboy if he was ready to order.
He said "Yes, I would like the duck. Fucked duck. Fuck the bird yourself. Garnish my plate with horse shit and bring me a cup of coffee hotter that Texas mule piss and blow the foam off with a fart. And while you're up, knock out a wall. I smell cunt, there must be a whore in here.
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