Funny Jokes

Funny Jokes

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There is this woman who has bags under her eyes and wants to get them removed in the hope that she could look younger again. She goes to a plastic surgeon, and tells the doctor 'No matter what I try, I cant get rid of these bags, please help me.' The doctor examines her for a minute and says 'I'll try a new experimental technique. It involves putting a crank in the back of your head. When you see bags under your eyes you'll simply need to turn the crank and the bags will go away.' So she gets the crank put in her head and leaves. It works and works for a while until one day she can't get rid of those bags under her eyes. She cranks and cranks as hard as she can but they just won't go away. So she goes to the doctor once again and says, 'Doctor! This was working for a while, but now I can't seem to get rid of these bags under my eyes.' The doctor replies, 'Lady those aren't bags! those are your tits!' All she had to say was, 'Now that would explain why I have this goatee.'

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