A salesman is assigned a new route that takes him into Texas for the first time. After reaching his first stop in Texas, it was late so he checked into a motel and went to its restaurant for diner. He ordered a small beer. The waitress brought him a huge mug.
"Waitress" he said," I ordered a small beer." She said," This is Texas. In Texas this is a small beer." Then he ordered a petite steak and the waitress brought him a two inch thick steak so big the sides of it were hanging off the edge of the plater.
"Waitress, I ordered a petite stake"
She told him that in Texas that was a petite steak. After a while all that beer was getting to him, so he asked the waitress where the rest room was. She told him to go down the hall two doors and turn to the *RIGHT*. He staggered down the hall two doors, turned *LEFT*,and walked into the hotel swimming pool. As he bobbed to the surface, he screamed,
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